Our Story
Mozzi’s Saloon
Originally established in 1866, Mozzi's Saloon is the last remnant of "the cowboy bar" in Cambria. At one time the booming little coastal town had five such establishments, all within a two block area of what is now the East Village of Cambria. In September of 1899, the East Village of Cambria burnt to the ground. The one story building on the property now known as Mozzi's Saloon, was virtually destroyed in the fire.
At the turn of the century, a colorful figure named Westendorf came to town fresh from the gambling tables in gold-struck Alaska. During his short residency in Cambria, he covered a lot of bases. He was the state game warden, a mining speculator, real estate broker and renowned gambler. In short, he was a wheeler dealer and those who still remember his exploits all seem to break into smile before they begin telling the tales they recall.
Therefore, it was 1905 when owner Westendorf figured out that the best use of the building would be as a saloon with tables, where he could entice townspeople into a few hands of cards.
In 1922, the saloon changed ownership to the Camozzi family and the older wooden building was demolished. A two story concrete building was constructed that is now the home of Mozzi's Saloon. This building consisted of a 12 room hotel, card parlor/ pool hall, and barbershop . The cost to construct the building was $15,000 and was completed within a year.
After prohibition ended in 1933, the Camozzi's removed four of the six pool tables, put in a long bar and small kitchen. Adriano Camozzi ran the bar untill he died in 1943. He is buried next to daughter Eda near his parents at the Old Santa Rosa Cemetery.
After Adriano died, Rosie Camozzi continued to run the upstairs hotel as a rooming house (which she continued to clean herself well into the 1960's). She ran both the bar and the hotel until 1948 when she then turned the bar management over to her son Charlie.
In the 1960's, when Charlie wasnt' doling out the drinks, former Hearst cowboy Henry Hoffman was the alternate bartender. Hoffman was noted for his charm and dapper Western attire.
Rosie retired in 1965 and sold Camozzi's Saloon to Thomas Murray. Rosie died in 1972 at age 84. All of Adriano and Rosie's four children are still alive. One of their children, Ethel lives in the family home on Main Street, next door to the Olallieberry inn.
In 1975, Murray sold the bar to hotelier Roger Easterday, who sold it in the 1980's to Bill Larson, who had a series of partners, including one who died in an airplane accident.
In the mid 1990's, Cindy Kennedy and her two partners bought Camozzi's; in 1997, she sold it to Becky and Dalton Holladay.
In 2006 the building was sold to William Newman and Kellie Williams ... and so the legacy will continue.